The Satori Team

Breanna Thompson - Counsellor

Breanna Thompson is an English-speaking Online Counsellor with the Satori Health Centre. She is a Canadian expat who moved to Nairobi, Kenya, in 2017. She knows firsthand the struggles of anxiety, depression, isolation, and maladaptive behaviors that can emerge when transitioning between cultures.

She works from a person-centered therapeutic approach and seamlessly integrate elements of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), solutions-focused, and narrative therapy into my practice.

Her services are available at a reduced rate.

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Carol Yan - Online Counselling Psychologist

Carol Yan is an Online Counselling Psychologist and expat who moved to The Netherlands as a trailing spouse in 2021. She currently work with clients across the globe and enjoy the flexibility this has brought to my own life.

She provides general psychotherapy, Child Therapy, Somatic Experiencing Therapy and Brainspotting virtually.

Her services are available in English and Cantonese.

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