What to read next: What My Bones Know by Stephanie Foo

Stephanie Foo’s memoir, What My Bones Know, is a powerful exploration of authenticity, vulnerability, introspection, and resilience. In this deeply personal account, Foo, a former producer for This American Life and radio journalist, chronicles her journey of healing from complex childhood trauma. Through a poignant blend of childhood and adult experiences, Foo reveals the profound effects of her parents' abuse and the formidable challenges of healing in a society and health system that often fails to grasp the full impact of prolonged trauma.

Foo's memoir guides readers through her discovery of Complex PTSD and its impact on her life. She explains, “Sufferers of complex PTSD have undergone continual abuse—trauma that has occurred over a long period of time, over the course of years.” With unflinching honesty, Foo shares the highs and lows of navigating post-traumatic growth and highlights the diverse paths to healing.

The PTSD had always told me I am alone. That I am unlovable. That I am toxic. But now, it is clear to me: That was a lie. My PTSD clouded my vision of what was actually happening.

― Stephanie Foo

Foo candidly discusses her interactions with those who have hurt her, the impact of transgenerational trauma, and the reality of not getting everything “right” but persistently moving forward. This memoir offers a raw and graceful portrayal of the non-linear nature of healing when trauma has profoundly influenced one’s psyche and relationships. Through Foo’s story, readers witness a person who, despite immense trauma and moments of weakness, takes ownership of her narrative. Her story serves as a beacon of hope, encouraging others on their own healing journeys to persevere.

Over and over, the answer is the same, isn’t it? Love, love, love. The salve and the cure. In order to become a better person, I had to do something utterly unintuitive. I had to reject the idea that punishing myself would solve the problem. I had to find the love.

― Stephanie Foo, What My Bones Know: A Memoir of Healing from Complex Trauma

Breanna Thompson - Counsellor

I am a Canadian expat who moved to Nairobi, Kenya, in 2017. I have a background in Elementary Education and have taught 4th and 5th grade, as well as social emotional education at an international school. However, driven by my passion for holistic wellness and the experiences I gained living in a culture different from my own, I revisited my career path and returned to Yorkville University to complete a Master of Arts in Counselling Psychology. I know firsthand the struggles of anxiety, depression, isolation, and maladaptive behaviors that can emerge when transitioning between cultures.

My motivation is to empower individuals, helping them recognise their inherent resources and strengths to navigate through transitional challenges. I am deeply passionate about walking alongside individuals committed to change, assisting them in finding the right tools and direction. I work from a person-centered therapeutic approach and seamlessly integrate elements of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), solutions-focused, and narrative therapy into my practice.


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