My Satori Story


In this first post on our brand new blog on our brand new website, we wanted each team member to reflect on their own personal journey with Satori.

Larissa Ernst

Date joined: 2015

I have had a dream of a multi-disciplinary practice since my years as an undergraduate student in psychology.  I dreamt of a centre that serves the community in an integrative way where empathy, genuineness and unconditional acceptance forms the cornerstone.

After my Community Service year I started working with the late professor Charl Vorster, who trained me in psychotherapy.  Our shared passion and vision led us to establish the Satori Training Centre in 2010 with the ideal of providing professional development for psychotherapists of the highest possible standard.  Charl and I often dreamt about expanding this centre to become an integrative health practice where all the practitioners share a way of living characterised by empathy, genuineness and unconditional positive regard.

In 2014 Charl passed away. I decided to realise our shared dream and bought the property in Garsfontein a little over a year later and started renovations.  The dream was realised in December 2015 when we officially opened Satori Health Centre.  Towards the end of 2021 this dream was exceeded when Satori Health Centre became a global practice with a practice in Leuven, Belgium as well as a virtual practice.

Satori humbles me.  When I visit the original practice in Garsfontein I feel the sensitivity and care as I enter.  It is a space where you feel comforted by the genuine care of every single person who works there.  Our practitioners have all had their fair share of life challenges which also transpires in their deep understanding of how difficult life can be.  I’m touched by this and it encourages me to continue to build Satori to serve the diverse global community in a genuine, non judgemental and integrative way.

Elmarie Horn

Date joined: 2015

I have been fortunate to be part of Satori since the doors opened in 2015.

Being part of the growing pains of Satori, having met all the new practitioners, shared the challenges of starting a new practice…What an experience!

And then…we became a family…The Satori family.

I have been working as Accounts Manager for a few practitioners ever since.

Understanding, compassion, empathy, warmth, and sensitivity became a part of my work ethics.

What a peaceful and tranquil environment to work in…

Christi Gadd

Date joined: 2016

My unofficial journey with Satori started when Larissa let one of my friends, Leandri Beyers know about the possibility of training as a Clinical Psychologist at Medunsa, a less well-known university, that I would never have considered before. Here I trained under Prof Charl Vorster and Dr Warwick Phipps.

From early in my training, the idea that the quality of your relationship determines the quality of your life resonated with me. It gave me a sense that I am not a helpless passenger in my life, but rather that I could change elements in my relationships that leave me feeling unfulfilled. I could build a life that I love! 

After completing my training, I completed my community service at 1 Military Hospital and stayed there for a few years. During this time, I started attending workshops that Charl and Larissa presented through the Satori training centre to hone my skills. 

In 2014 I decided to open up a part-time private practice. Initially I practiced from home. Officially, my journey with Satori started in 2017 when I walked into the beautiful garden and tranquil office space, I immediately felt at peace. Then realising the amount of support that I stepped into, the deal was sealed and I moved into Satori shortly after it opened its doors. 

Over the years, together with my friend and colleague, Sian Green, I have taken on more responsibilities in the management of the practice. Sian has since moved to the South Coast and currently, Larissa and I manage the Pretoria practice

To me, Satori is a place where I feel loved and supported, but also challenged to examine myself and my own share in interactions - to have those difficult conversations that challenge my blind spots or preconceived ideas. 

Satori also offers me a space where I can “pay forward” all of the support I received in building my career by investing in other practitioners and helping them build their dream practices. 

Marteleze van Graan

Date joined: 2016

During my internship in 2012, Kobus du Plooy suggested that I attend IPA training with Charl and Larissa. I felt a sense of excitement during the training as it opened up a new way of practice and living as a psychologist. I continued to attend workshops and groups with Charl and Larissa in order to become an effective psychotherapist. After Charl passed away, I continued to attend training with Larissa.

I started full time private practice in 2013 in Moreleta Park and when Larissa opened Satori in 2016, I jumped at the opportunity to join the team!  I moved my private practice to Satori and looking back I am grateful for the opportunity and the support that I received from Larissa and my colleagues whilst establishing my practice and developing my skills.

Satori for me is a space where there is empathy, acceptance and an opportunity for growth on a personal and professional level. 

I am humbled to be part of the Satori team and it gives me a chance to learn from my colleagues and to refer clients when necessary and I have a chance to do what is meaningful for me and I get to have fun with colleagues.

Andre Swart

Date joined: 2018

On reflecting back on my involvement at Satori I would often describe it as a natural development from my training under Prof Charl Vorster. Charl adhered to the philosophy that the quality of your human relationships determines the quality of your mental health and over the course of a year we all learned what that meant. During class when a student grasped something and Prof Charl observed the impact he would say “Satori”. From my university training several relationships developed and continued as both professional and friendships. More specifically with Christi, Sian and Larissa.

After university training, I joined the South African Military Health Services (SAMHS) for my internship and community service years. I met up with Christi, at 1 Military hospital. We maintained our friendship after I resigned from the SAMHS in 2016, to start full time solo private practice. In the meantime, as part of continuous development, I attended professional group meetings facilitated by Prof Charl and Larissa. A couple of years after Prof Charl passed away in 2014, these meetings moved to the Satori Center, established by Larissa. My initial experience of Satori was tranquility – a sense of safety and serenity that I believed will contribute to healing!

My initial solo practice continued however I made a choice in 2017 to also have consultation rooms at Satori. Christi invited me to sublet her office space. In 2018 consultation rooms were added and I decided to rent one of these rooms. Since I am a bit of a loner and stubborn, I insist on maintaining my solo practice, however I decided to associate with Satori. In the Satori space I find that I am able to ask questions that are met with acceptance, understanding and a genuine sense of compassion for others. I also experience that humor forms part of context and often we are able to have fun about our own idiosyncrasies’. As colleagues we are able to discuss and argue about complicated phenomena in a respectful manner. There is a general sense of providing the best possible care as we consistently strive to act in the best interests of our clients.

Even though I maintain my solo practice, I am grateful and highly appreciative to be surrounded by colleagues, friends and associates that provide high quality interaction - true to the original philosophy. 

Philé Möller

Date joined: 2017

In 2017 I was working at the Department of Correctional Services.  I knew I needed a change after seven years at the department, but did not know where to and going into private practice by myself without any know-how was too daunting.  A former colleague of mine, Holly van Rooyen started her Community service year in 2016 and by the end of the year we decided we will attempt the world of private practice together.  Holly knew Christi Gadd and I knew Sian Green and both of them were already practicing from Satori in 2017.  Holly contacted Christi and we went to view the one available office and immediately knew we wanted to be a part of the Satori team. Starting private practice with Holly was such a life changing experience for me, but eventually we went our own way and I have been on my own in practice since 2018.  From the beginning there was so much support and guidance from the rest of the team and this has not changed.  I feel fortunate to know this group of people and to have Satori be a part of my journey as a psychologist, but also as a person.

As a collective we continue to grow and learn from each other and from our clients.  Satori is a space where we can be real, honest, vulnerable and authentic with each other and through this lived experience of acceptance provide the same space for our clients.

Jacoline Rudman

Date joined: 2019

In 2018 I decided it was time for a change after working in Johannesburg in paediatric private practice and schools for years. What drew me to Satori, was the fact that you can build your practice as an Independent practitioner, with the benefits of having a multi-disciplinary team to refer to and to support you in your journey of building your practice.

I remember the day I first walked into Satori to view the practice, on my search for new premises to build my practice from.  I was met with a serenity and the most beautiful garden, and my first thought was: this is a place of healing. And looking back on the challenging times that followed, since I started my practice at Satori, I now realise it was not only a place for my clients to come to heal, but it brought healing to me on many levels. I soon realized that each team member working here had their very own, unique story on how they got to Satori. 

The Satori environment is one of growth and support. I have grown professionally and I am always challenged to reflect on and evaluate the standard of intervention I give to my clients. I am surrounded by like-minded, passionate professionals, each with a great sense of humour – a trait that is so important in our line of work.  We as a team at Satori have many things in common, but the one that stands out above the rest is the compassion each of us have for our clients.

Phylicia Laloo

Date joined: 2019

I remember coming across Satori by chance while looking for a centre to start my practice. I had already viewed a few places that just didn’t click for me and I remember my first visit to the centre being one of those days where anything and everything did go wrong. I thought to myself that everyone will see the tizz I am in and that will be it. I could not have been more wrong. I remember the instant tranquility the garden gave me and the feeling of comfort I got when I saw the cotton-rope swings. I was instantly greeted by multiple warm and reassuring smiles and it was one of those moments where you just know you are at the right place. 

There are so many unique aspects to being part of the Satori team. Not only can it be seen as being surrounded by various unique perspectives and thought-processes that allow for personal growth and deeper reflection, or a group of professionals who allow for various conversations around professional development. Being at Satori also surrounds you with kind, empathic individuals who are proof that despite everything going on in the world there are still those who remain unchanged from who they really are and continue to allow passion to motivate them in helping others to the best of their ability. 

Roxanne Zwart

Date joined: 2019

My journey with Satori began towards the end of 2019 when I met with Christi Gadd and Sian Green, the directors of Equilibrium Forensic Psychology. I admired the tranquility and beautiful space and I felt instantly welcomed by everyone. The meeting went well and my journey with Equilibrium Forensic Psychology began, and thus also starting my journey at Satori. 

In the beginning of 2021, I was given the opportunity and guided by Christi to open a private practice at Satori in Pretoria. The Satori team has always been very welcoming, friendly and helpful in so many ways. Being part of the team means sharing a common goal and helping each other to thrive, which also puts us in a good position to meet client’s needs. I feel that Satori is a place to connect and offer support and care, for both each other and for every client. The beautiful and serene gardens at Satori Pretoria are also an added bonus for me because of my love for nature and the outdoors!

Alet van der Merwe

Date joined: 2019

I applied for the receptionist position advertised by Satori during October 2019 and was fortunate to receive a call and asked to attend an interview. I went through the process of the interview and job shadowing and a few days later I received the good news that I qualified for the position! And so, my Satori journey began.

I have been working happily in reception for the past two years and learnt a lot from my employers and co-worker. They are all very caring, sensitive and always ready to help when guidance is needed. Key phrases such as confidentiality, context, care and compassion have become a part of my way of thinking and conducting my daily tasks.

I am honoured to work with practitioners who are passionate about what they do and how they care for the welfare of their clients.

Never had I thought I would enter such a peaceful and happy environment at the health centre and I can honestly say I am privileged to be a part of the Satori team.

Renaldi van Rensburg

Date joined:2020

In 2019 while still completing my Masters I started looking to join a multidisciplinary practice once I’ve qualified. I only knew about the Satori Health Centre because of its close proximity to my High School. I contacted Larissa and came to the conclusion that Satori’s vision, in short, is not only to be a treatment plan but aiming to help heal patients on every plane - emotionally, mentally and physically. This is so in line with my reason for becoming a doctor that I jumped at the opportunity to join the team, and ever since Larissa, Christi and Sian have been key role models in helping shape my practice. 

It is amazing to know that Satori does make a difference in the community and its reach has stretched internationally, and to know I get to play a part in it is more than a privilege. Larissa and Christi have such a drive for excellence and we never leave anyone member of the team behind. It is not about individualistic success but to ensure that we as the Satori team succeed. It is a privilege to have the support structure, love and inspiring practitioners’ wisdom and input.

James Brown

Date joined: 2020

I joined Satori on the 4th of Jan 2020. I still remember my first client, I was so terrified…. Yikes!!! Today I'm so glad I was given the opportunity by Christi Gadd to join Satori. She moulded me during my training days at 1 Military Hospital and I haven't looked back since. I Love Satori because I can be myself here. I'm not micro-managed or controlled, my growth into new modalities are welcomed and not shunned. The people who work at Satori are kind, generous and chilled- this is most certainly my kind of people. The tranquil mood in the practice soothes me and it shows in the type of person I have become. I love doing psychotherapy here. I feel at home. Come check it out :)

Carol Yan

Date joined: 2021

My journey at Satori started during a particularly challenging time for me - and boy am I grateful! It had been 3 months since my husband and I immigrated to the Netherlands and as a trailing spouse, I found adjusting to this new way of life to be immensely challenging. 

This is when I was introduced to Larissa by an incredible friend, colleague, and mentor, Jeanie Cave. Since our first meeting together, I felt such a sense of warmth and safety and I automatically knew that this was going to be a long-term relationship and journey. Just as quickly as I felt welcomed by Larissa, very soon after I had the privilege of meeting the Satori team and within the first hour I felt a deep sense of belonging. Perhaps it was the authenticity and openness that the space brought, or perhaps it was a combination of this as well as my need at the time to break my isolation. Either way and despite my physical distance from the Pretoria and Belgium team, I quickly came to realise that Satori is a tight-knit family and a home away from home. 

I feel privileged to be part of this team of professionals as we hold similar views of being committed to walking alongside clients whilst also holding unconditional positive regard, congruence, and empathy in such high regard. In this space I feel supported and challenged to think and rethink my own views regarding the therapeutic space as well as feeling safe enough to practice my own visibility too. Being part of this diverse and dynamic team allows me to experience growth in a personal and a professional space by having exposure through the multi-disciplinary environment - I am always learning from these colleagues! What a gift to have!

The biggest stand out about Satori for me is the freedom to be myself in the work space. To be able to create my own voice and image as a Psychologist in private practice, while having the support and guidance of Larissa and the Satori team. In this way, I have regained my sense of confidence and passion to continue serving the community. 

Steph McWha

Date joined: 2022

I was introduced to Satori in January 2022 when I began my internship under the supervision of Larissa. After moving from Canada to Belgium in 2017 as a trailing spouse, I unexpectedly found myself in the position to redirect my career path and pursue a master’s degree in counselling psychology, a field that I found true passion in.

From the moment that I was welcomed into the Satori community, I knew that these folks were on to something good! It was novel to experience an interdisciplinary team that shared the same values of approaching healthcare in a warm, compassionate, and genuine manner. It was like a breath of fresh air! For me, Satori really embodies a growth mindset and focuses on the power of the collective experience to further the knowledge and resources of each practitioner. Working with Satori has been a bit like a dream come true for me and I feel very fortunate to have found it at such an influential time in my career. I tell everyone who will listen that I couldn’t have found a better environment to begin my psychotherapy experience.

Tiaan Landman 

Date joined: 2022

The beginning of 2022 invited new possibilities in my professional life. I was transitioning from my work in the NGO sector to private practice. Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, I had primarily engaged in online work and, consequently, decided to continue my practice online. I quickly realised the necessity for face-to-face work as my practice was growing.  Naturally, the next step was to start looking for an office to rent. A colleague and member of the Satori team, Dr Philé Möller, invited me to the practice and, as they say, the rest is history!

I was welcomed with open arms to the Satori team and jumped at the opportunity to rent a permanent office space. The warmth, passion and kindness of the team is an attitude carried amongst all members. There is a sense of community that envelops the practice. It is seen in the commitment that each practitioner has towards individual and collective professional growth. The practice creates a space for knowledge-building, where we learn from one-another through celebrating the diversity of our interests. Not to mention, the beauty of the gardens at our Pretoria location makes coming to work all the more delightful!

Satori is so much more than a multidisciplinary health practice; its sense of community and beauty creates a safe space that eases client’s into the healing process.

Emma Stevenson

Date joined: 2022

My journey with Satori began even before the building in which Satori calls home existed. I was fresh out of masters, which was, as one of my colleagues so aptly described, ‘one of the best, and most challenging years of her life’, and was eager for more growth and development. I was privileged to have studied under Prof Charl Vorster during my masters program, and he together with Larissa were offering a group therapy process for further training and development. 

I jumped at the opportunity as I wanted to learn as much as I could. The group supported me throughout my dissertation, internship at Sterkfontein and community service at Tshwane Rehabilitation Hospital. At the time I never imagined that this unique and fulfilling journey, with fellow colleagues Sian and Andre, would last for six years. It was during this time that Satori was born, and some of our group meetings took place there. 

Since the first time I walked through the gate at Satori Pretoria, I experienced a deep sense of calm.  So, in 2022 when I decided to resign from the government sector and enter into private practice full time, it goes without saying that I was extremely grateful that my journey allowed me to return, but now as a member of the team. I believe that being apart of the satori team will allow me to flourish in my life’s work as a therapist, as the support and guidance that I have experienced has been incredible.


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